SALSATION® KID Instructor training with Irena, Venue, Radomlje - Slovenia, 20 April 2024

Salsation Kid

Instructor training

Irena Pfundner / Master Trainer


In person: Plesna šola Miki - Kamniška c. 24a

1235 Radomlje, Domžale, Radomlje, Slovenia

Salsation Kid

The training for SALSATION® Kid is finally here!

We are proud to present this new instructor training. You can join this training both if you are new to SALSATION® and if you are already an existing SALSATION® instructor.
Your time has come to become a SALSATION® Kid Instructor!

What is SALSATION® Kid?

The training is here for you to learn how to teach SALSATION® to kids using the unique SALSATION® methodology and all of the philosophies to create fun and engaging classes, making the music into a playground for the kids to explore.

Join this 1 day training and receive the principles that makes SALSATION® Kid classes successful and get ready to start your own classes!

Feel the difference!

Take your passion to teach kids to the next level!

Join us and become a SALSATION® Kid Instructor!

For more information write to me on

Za vse informacije v slovenščini, mi pišite na zgornji mail.

I am looking forward to embark on this journey together with you.



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