Katarína Lozsy Garaiova

Katarína Lozsy Garaiova


Slovakia (Slovak Republic)

SALSATION  Elite Instructor 

CHOREOLOGY  Basic Instructor 

KID  Basic Instructor 

Ahojte, volám sa Katka :)
Som stavebnou inžinierkou a maminou 2 malých detí, momentálne na rodičovskej dovolenke.
K športu som sa pred tím nikdy extra nevenovala, ale ak bolo treba, rada som reprezentovala svoju školu na všelijakých športových udalostiach. Rada tancujem, lenže okolnosti nedovolili, aby som sa tomu hlbšie venovala, až doteraz.
Ale ako som sa dostala k rozhodnutiu, že sa to všetko zmenilo?
Tehotenstvo a zotavenie z pôrodov so sekciou robili svoje, zmenili mi postavu, s čím som vôbec nebola spokojná. Plus sa pridali bolesti chrbtice, ktoré už boli neznesiteľné... musela som nájsť riešenie. So salsation som sa zoznámila v novembri 2017. Pravidelné hodiny najprv 2x neskor už 3x do týždňa, priniesli ovocie mojej snahy. Môj zdravotný stav sa zlepšil, zbytočne kila sa postupne stratili, moje telo sa spevnilo. Za rok som vymenila konfekciu z XL na XS. Salsation sa stal súčasťou môjho života. Od septembra 2018 som SALSATION® inštruktorkou.

my name is Kate :)
I am a civil engineer and a mother of 2 small children, I am on maternity leave at the moment. I did not spend much time doing sports during my childhood, but occasionally I was happy to represent my school on sport events.
I have always liked to dance, but until now I did not have the opportunity to dedicate myself to it professionally. And how did I take the decision, which changed everything?
My pregnancy and recovery from childbirths with C- section were very hard, my figure changed and I was not satisfied with myself. In addition, I felt pain in my back, which was unbearable. I had to find a solution.
I learned about Salsation in November 2017. Regular dance lessons, firstly 2 times a week, later 3 times per week brought the fruit of my endeavour. My health condition has improved, I lost weight progressively, my body has been strengthened.
I exchanged my confection from XL to XS. Salsation became a part of my life. I became a SALSATION® instructor in September 2018.

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