Federica "Ica" Boriani

Federica "Ica" Boriani



SALSATION  Master Trainer 

CHOREOLOGY  Master Trainer 

MOVE FOREVER  Basic Instructor 

Federica, Salsation Master Trainer for Germany and Italy, was born in Udine in 1990 and lives in Munich (Germany) since 2010. She  graduated at the Munich Academy for Dance, Sport and Gym KNS in 2014.

Concerning the dancing she is actually Hip-Hop, Reggaeton, Salsa Basic and Jazz Instructor. As fitness trainer she teaches: AcquaGym, Kickbox Aerobic, Group Fitness, Spinning, Sling Trainer (TRX) and Core Trainer and Fit & Funky Instructor.

Ica is also a ROOTZ by SALSATION® Master Trainer.

She has hold various workshop - in collaboration with the Togu Company – at several sport congresses and Gym Festivals as the Bayerische Sport Congress and the one of Düsseldorf, Köln and Stuttgart.

As a trainer, she has participated at the 2013, 2014 and 2015 Latin Dance Camp editions.

As presenter she attended the FIBO Sport Global Fitness Köln Fair, the most important Sport Fair in Europe, – Main Stage – during the 2014, 2015 and 2016 edition.

Federica Boriani, Master Trainer per la Germania e l’Italia, è nata a Udine, vive dal 2010 a Monaco di Baviera dove ha concluso i suoi studi nella prestigiosa scuola di danza e sport KNS nel 2014.

E’ Salsation Master Trainering dal 2014 ed in questa funzione ha partecipato al Reebok Marathon Wellness Event di Praga nel 2014 – 2015.

Per quanto riguarda il ballo è istruttrice di Hip Hop, Reggaeton, Salsa Basic e Jazz. Per il Fitness è istruttrice delle seguenti discipline: AcquaGym; Kickbox Aerobic, Group Fitness, Spinning, Sling Trainer (TRX) e Core Trainer. Ica e´anche ROOTZ by SALSATION® Master Trainer.

Ha già tenuto vari workshop - in collaborazione con l’azienda Togu - in occasione di vari congressi sportivi e festival della ginnastica come il Bayerische Sport Congress; quello di Düsseldorf, Colonia e Stoccarda.

Ha partecipato come trainer al Latin Dance Camp di Amburgo del 2013, 2014 e 2015.

Ha partecipato come Presenter alla fiera dello Sport FIBO Global Fitness Cologna - Fiera Leader Internazionale per Fitness, Wellness e Salute - Main Stage nel 2014, 2015 e 2016.

Federica, Salsation Master Trainer für Deutschland und Italien, ist in 1990 in Udine geboren und wohnt seit 2010 in München. Im Jahr 2014 schliesst Ica die bekannte Ausbildung KNS und wird somit stattlich geprüfte Tanz-Sport und Gmnastik Lehrerin.

Betreffend das Tanzen, sie lehrt Hip-Hop, Reggaeton, Salsa Basic und Jazz.
Als Fitness Trainer sie lehrt AcquaGym, Kickbox Aerobic, Group Fitness, Spinning, Sling Trainer (TRX) and Core Trainer. Weiterhin, sie ist Fit & Funky Instruktor und ROOTZ by SALSATION® Master Trainer.

Sie hat schon mehreren Workshops beim Sport Kongresse und Festivals gehalten – in Kollaboration mit Togu - wie das Bayerische Sport Congress und die von Düsseldorf, Köln und Stuttgart.

Als Trainer sie hat and den Latin Dance Camp 2013, 2014 und 2015 teilgenommen.

Als presenter sie hat an den weltberühmten Fibo Sport Global Fitness Köln Fair – Main Stage – im Jahren 2014, 2015 und 2016 teilgenommen.

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Instructor training

Federica "Ica" Boriani & Tamas Marx

08 - 09 Feb 2025


In person - Bologna, Italy


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